Saturday, August 3, 2013

And we are OFF!!!

I know...I am a day late posting this, but that is what happens when you are packing, repacking, unpacking and packing again.  LOL.  We are currently in Cairo, Egypt for an 8 hour layover before we head to Ethiopia!  We flew out of Atlanta, then to Frankfurt and then to Cairo.  I would have loved to have taken a trip to the pyramids....but just before we left, several US Embassy's closed their doors due to potential threats.  With that being said, no leaving the airport for us!

Words cannot express the feelings that I have.  I have pinched and kicked myself several times to make sure I am not dreaming!  This journey seems like it took a long time to get here, but in retrospect, the weeks and months flew by.  What started off as an application to adopt is now a little person waiting on me to pick him up!  And just to think that when we started this process, he wasn't even born yet!  But God already knew that he would call us his mom and dad.  It is such an honor and a tremendous blessing to be in this position.  A position that I never thought we would ever be in.

As some of you know, my husband did not want to adopt.  It took me approximately 5 years to get him to just take a look into the adoption process and the reasons for adopting.  It started off as a casual conversation (with me already knowing he would say no...AGAIN) and I asked the question, "What if God wants us to adopt?".  It was that day, my life would forever be changed...our lives were forever changed.  God spoke to my husband's heart and here we are!

Our hearts are overwhelmed with gratitude and joy!  We are so honor that God chose us!

Until we arrive in ET.....over and out!



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