Friday, July 26, 2013

Thank you GOD!

As I mentioned in my previous posts, we were hoping to get a court date prior to the courts closing on August 7th. We prayed and we had many friends and family praying on our behalf and God answered! We will be heading to Ethiopia soon to pick up our son!!! 

We are so thankful and we feel so blessed. Words cannot describe the emotions that we are feeling inside. 

We thank you for your words of encouragement, prayers and support. It means the world to us! We look forward to introducing our son to you soon!!


Aja said...

Awesome! Woo-hoo!! When is your court date? Dana, I am actually going to give you my personal email, it is

We are going to ET soon too, I think we may be there at the same time!

Chris said...

I have been following your blog. We are waiting on our court date. We hope and pray that we get the call today or tomorrow. Good Luck!


Unknown said...

Thanks Aja! I will send you an email now!

Chris-did you receive the call yet? I am praying for you! I heard a rumor that courts were staying open until 8/17! I sure hope that is the case!