Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Today's court hearing....

Yesterday we were informed that the hearing for the child that we are adopting was scheduled for today 7/9.  What does that mean exactly?  There are a few steps in the adoption process once it makes it to court.  The first step once you have been submitted is for a finder's or birth mother hearing.  If the child is abandoned, whoever discovered the child is required to appear and give his or her testimony.  If the child has relatives, then someone (mother, father or whomever has been caring for the child) has to appear to relinquish their rights.  Once the judge signs off on it, the next step would be for another hearing to be scheduled that we would travel to Ethiopia for.  

This first court hearing isn't always a slam dunk.  The judge may require additional paperwork, further investigation or it may have to be rescheduled if the guardian did not show up for the hearing.  In our case, our child was abandoned and therefore an officer will need to appear.  Courts will be closing within the next 3-4 weeks and it is our prayer that we will be able to have a hearing before the courts close. 

All morning, I have been thinking about the story that will be told in court today....my child's story.  Left alone, abandoned.  It is a bitter sweet moment for me.  On one hand, my heart aches because someone left you alone without any connection to who you are or who you were.  I wonder what have your eyes seen, and what have your ears heard.  But then I am reminded that you were not alone, God was with you.  For His word says, "I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you". John 14:18.  He was watching over my precious angel.  He had someone in place at the right time to hear your cry for help.  When I think of how He saved you, my heart becomes overwhelmed with joy.  It also makes me think about how He saves each one of us each and every day.  In a sense, we are all orphans that God wants to adopt into His family, His kingdom.  He wants to save us from the sinful nature of this world.  Just as bad as I want to hold you, he wants to hold all of us.  He wants to take our burdens away and carry our load for us.  He wants to see us do great things and live a long and prosperous life.  The things that He wants for us, I want the same for you.  While I may feel that you were alone, God never left your side.  He knew your story before it was ever written.  And I am honored that he chose us to be apart of your story.  

It may take a few days before we know if we passed court and when we are expected to travel.  But I can rest and wait patiently because I know that you are in good hands, for you are in His hands.  

Love you,

Your mommy


Aja said...

Hi, that is great news! Hopefully you will be traveling soon!

Unknown said...

As always, thanks Aja! We are definitely praying that we will be traveling soon, but we also realize that it will happen according to His perfect timing. :-)

Aja said...

Well, I will be sending positive thoughts your way!!

The Grad Student said...

Awesome!!! I'll keep you all in my prayers!